Success Stories

The Let’s Cook Project works with charitable partners, local authorities, corporate sponsors and others to deliver impact in a range of focus areas. Between October 2017 and March 2019, we’ve reached over 23,000 beneficiaries across England.

Working together

amongst others

University of Leicester

Training Student residential advisors to increase their freshers’ cooking skills, reducing isolation and improving students’ mental wellbeing.

Sheffield City Trust

Since 1987 we’ve led the way with an unrivalled mix of sport, leisure and entertainment venues to become The Health and Wellbeing Charity.

TLG - Make Lunch

TLG Make Lunch enables and equips churches to bring hope to struggling children through holiday lunch clubs.

Happy Healthy Holidays

Happy, Healthy Holidays is a city-wide scheme providing free food and fun activities for children and young people age 5-16 years across Birmingham during this school summer holidays. The scheme is funded by the Department for Education, and run by a partnership of Birmingham based organisations: Accord Housing; The Active Wellbeing Society, Sport Birmingham; and Birmingham Play Care Network.


The Let’s Cook Project by Numbers



What we do we do well and always with passion, conviction and spirit.


Always learning, educating, appreciating and developing.

LCP Apron
Train the Trainer


Being outstanding in our field and always striving for the best.


Delivering with honesty and strong moral principles.
